Brewery and Brussels Museum of the Gueuze

Practical Information

Cantillon Brewery/Brussels Museum of the Gueuze - rue Gheude 56 - 1070 Brussels
- Brewery: +32 2 521 49 28
- Visits: +32 2 521 49 28 or +32 2 520 28 91

Business hours:
- M/Tu/Th/Fr/Sa: Visits and drinks from 10AM to 4PM (shop open till 5PM)
- Closed on Wednesday, Sunday and public holidays

Dogs are not allowed in the brewery. Thank you for your understanding.

Closing days 2024:
- Monday, January 1
- Monday, April 1
- Thursday, May 9 & Friday, May 10
- Monday, May 20 & Tuesday, May 21
- From Monday, July 22 to Saturday, July 27
- Thursday, August 15 & Friday, August 16
- Friday, November 1
- Monday, November 11
- Tuesday, December 24: last admission at 1.00PM (closing at 2.00PM)
- Tuesday, December 31: last admission at 2.30PM (closing at 3.30PM)

Visit our Shop!

Cantillon - Van Roy Family